Even if your insurers handle a claim really well it will almost certainly still be something you could do without! Couple this with the fact that claims may increase your future insurance costs and you will start to understand why Risk Management is important.
Risk Management is all about doing everything you can to:
- Reduce the risk of you having to make claims
- Reduce the impact and cost of claims if they do occur
- Help you to comply with Statutory Regulations
- Avoid increases in your insurance premiums as a result of claims
Risk Management can cover a very wide range of areas such as:
- Disaster or Business Continuity Planning
- Fire protection
- Theft protection
- Accident reporting procedures
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Health & Safety consulting
- Risk assessments
- Manual handling
- Personal protective equipment
- Electricity at Work Regulations
- Noise at Work Regulations
- Construction safety
- Permits to work
- Environmental management
- Motor Fleet risk management
- Motor Fleet claims analysis
- Defensive driver training
We can provide you with some Risk Management advice ourselves (generally at no cost) and can provide very useful insurer documentation to help. However, in some cases the advice you require will be outside our area of expertise in which case we will help you by recommending / introducing you to trusted business partners who have the expertise you need.